Urenika Taewa Potato

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Tags taewa, potato
Binomial Name
Description Pre-European potato from Aotearoa New Zealand. Potatoes that have been growing in the islands of New Zealand since before the 19th century are known as "Taewa". Potatoes that arrived later are called "Riiwai". A long potato with dark purple skin that retains its colour when cooked. i can appear dull brown until washed. Waxy when small, floury when large. Great boiled or steamed. Produces big crops but needs a long growing season. Plant in August and harvest in March. Widespread around NZ long tubular dark purple skin and flesh, waxy when young, drier when larger, require a long long growing season to produce a heavy crop. Ure is Maori word for "penis". "Nika" is a transliteration of an offensive english word beginning with N. The name of this potato is offensive. The potato is also known as "tutaekuri", which means "dog poo". Despite the terrible names, this is a quintessential Maori potato and the most recognisable taewa.
Sun Requirements
Growing Degree Days
Sowing Method
Spread (diameter)
Row Spacing

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