Olive Herb

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Binomial Name Santolina rosmarinifolia
Description Olive Herb or Holy Flax is an aromatic, evergreen flowering shrub in the Asteraceae (Daisy) family. The plant is dense and compact and has narrow, green leaves and dense, button-like yellow flowerheads. It is distantly related to rosemary, which it bears a mild resemblance to. Olive Herb thrives in full, hot sun, is drought-tolerant, and can survive at temperatures as low as -17° C. It is commonly used as a ground cover or ornamental plant, although plants get leggy and open-centered as they age.
Sun Requirements Full Sun
Growing Degree Days
Sowing Method Direct seed indoors and transplant out or use cuttings
Spread (diameter) 60 centimeters
Row Spacing
Height 60 centimeters

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