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Binomial Name Mangifera
Taxon Genus
Description Mangoes are the juicy stone fruit of a variety of species of tropical trees in the Mangifera genus. The most widely grown species is Mangifera indica. Mango trees have a canopy of glossy dark green leaves, a deep taproot, and pink, red, or yellow flowers. Depending on the cultivar, the fruits can be yellow, orange, red, or green and have tastes that vary from sweet to turpentine-like. All mangoes have a single, flat, oblong pit that does not separate easily from the pulp. Mangoes are in the Cashew family (Anacardiaceae), which also includes Poison Ivy, and their skin can cause contact dermatitis in some individuals. Mangoes require a frost-free tropical or warm subtropical climate where temperatures do not drop below 4° C. They can be grown indoors in containers in cooler regions. Transplanted trees will produce fruit in 3 years; trees started from seed take 6 years to bear fruit. In the right climate, mango trees can grow very large, and some species can produce fruit for 300 years.
Sun Requirements Full Sun
Growing Degree Days
Sowing Method Transplant grafted sapling or direct seed indoors
Spread (diameter) 400 centimeters
Row Spacing 910 centimeters
Height 400 centimeters

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