Juniper Berry

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Binomial Name Juniperus communis
Description The Juniper Berry is the female seed cone produced by juniper trees, which are evergreen coniferous members of the Cupressaceae (Cypress) family. It is actually a cone with fleshy and merged scales that make it look like a berry. There are about 170 species of juniper, all of which produce berries, but some are too bitter to eat. The berries of J. sabina and J. oxycedrus are toxic. J. communis, J. drupacea, J. phoenicea, J. deppeana, and J. californica are commonly cultivated for their berries. Berries are 4-12 mm in diameter, green when young, and ripen to purple-black over 18 or more months. Immature green berries that have reached their full size are used to flavor gin. Mature, slightly shriveled, purple berries are used to season meat and other dishes. Juniper has distinct male and female trees. One male tree nearby is needed for pollination, and only the female tree will produce berries.
Sun Requirements Full Sun
Growing Degree Days
Sowing Method Cuttings, layering, or transplant young tree
Spread (diameter)
Row Spacing
Height 1800 centimeters

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