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Binomial Name Cnidoscolus aconitifolius
Taxon Species
Description Chaya, or Tree Spinach, is a large, fast-growing leafy perennial shrub native to Mexico. It is drought, pest, and disease-tolerant. The plant has a central stem with milky sap and spinach-like, hand-sized leaves, which are popular in Mexican and Central American cuisines and high in protein, iron, calcium, Vitamin A, B, and C. Chaya can also be grown as an ornamental. The leaves must be cooked before consumption because they are high in toxic hydrocyanic acid. The Chayamansa Group is most popular because the leaves do not have the stinging hairs other cultivars do. Cooking destroys the stinging hairs. Propagate with stem cuttings. After the first year, prune the plant to 2 meters for easier harvest. Up to 50% of the leaves can be harvested after the first year.
Sun Requirements Full Sun
Growing Degree Days
Sowing Method 15-60cm stem cuttings
Spread (diameter) 200 centimeters
Row Spacing
Height 200 centimeters

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