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Binomial Name Borago officinalis
Taxon Species
Description Borage, or Starflower, is an annual flowering herb with blue, pink, or white flowers and bristly stems and leaves. It is a popular companion plant, particularly for tomatoes, as it is thought to confuse mother moths of tomato hornworms looking for a place to lay their eggs. It also attracts many pollinators. It's edible leaves can be used as a fresh vegetable or dried herb. When fresh, it has a cucumber-like taste and is used in salads, lemonade, or as a garnish. It's flowers have a sweet honey-like taste and can be used to decorate desserts or cocktails or candied. It is also cultivated for the borage seed oil extracted from it's seeds.
UF Micro Tom Tomato
UF Micro Tom Tomato
Sun Requirements Partial Sun
Growing Degree Days
Sowing Method Direct seed outdoors, thin to 45cm apart when seedlings are 4cm tall
Spread (diameter) 50 centimeters
Row Spacing 30 centimeters
Height 100 centimeters